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17/1 Malaya Ordynka Str., Moscow, 119017
Phone: +7(495)772-95-90*22237
Email: wec@hse.ru

School Head Igor A. Makarov
Academic Supervisor Leonid M. Grigoryev
Deputy Head Olga Klochko
Manager Olga Mulenko
World Economy Section Petr Mozias
Section of Energy and Raw Material Market Valery A. Krukov
World Trade Section Alexey Portanskiy
Section of Global Economic Regulation Vladimir N. Zuev


Emerging Markets Decoded 2024

Zhuravlev A., Shuranova A., Vasenyova E. et al.

M.: SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management, 2024.

China-Russia Cooperation in the Northern Sea Route Development
In press

Ng C. Y., Wu Y., Zhang W. et al.

International Organisations Research Journal. 2025. Vol. 20. No. 1.

Book chapter
The Development of Assistive Technologies and Its Role Towards Successful Inclusion: The Case of Russia

Sinyavskaya O., Pishnyak A., Cherviakova A. A. et al.

In bk.: Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance. Springer, 2024. P. 139-167.

Working paper
What helps improve outcomes of industrial policy?

Yakovlev A. A., Freinkman L., Ershova N. V. et al.

QoG Working Paper Series. 2023:19. University of Gothenburg, 2023. No. 19.

VIII Annual Conference on the Global Economy

*recommended age
Event ended
On November 26-27, School of World economy of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs HSE is holding its VIII Annual Conference on the Global Economy. In 2020, the Conference it titled as “The Ideal Storm: the Global Economy in the Greater Recession”. The Conference will be held in online format, Zoom platform.

The Conference will focus on the impact that coronavirus pandemic has on different areas of the global economy, namely international macroeconomic situation, climate change mitigation policies, social environment, and US-China decoupling.

The Conference is aimed to cover four key topics:

  • Macroeconomic stability in conditions of current economic crisis: Will the COVID-19 pandemic be a start of a global depression?
  • Prospects of green recovery: Is the COVID-19 pandemic a chance to combat climate change?
  • Consequences of pandemic in social sphere: Is the COVID-19 a catastrophe or an accelerator of changes?
  • US-China economic decoupling: What is the future of US-China economic relations?

The conference gathers together experts affiliated with universities and think tanks from Russia, the UK, China, the Netherlands, the USA, France, and India. Special presentations will be made by IMF Resident Representative in the Russian Federation Annette Kyobe, Clinical Associate Professor of environmental studies and public service Gernot Wagner, and Visiting Presidential Professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York Branco Milanovic.

In order to participate please complete the registration form.

The Conference agenda and further details are available and updated at the Conference webpage.