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17/1 Malaya Ordynka Str., Moscow, 119017
Phone: +7(495)772-95-90*22237
Email: wec@hse.ru

School Head Igor A. Makarov
Academic Supervisor Leonid M. Grigoryev
Deputy Head Olga Klochko
Manager Olga Mulenko
World Economy Section Petr Mozias
Section of Energy and Raw Material Market Valery A. Krukov
World Trade Section Alexey Portanskiy
Section of Global Economic Regulation Vladimir N. Zuev


Emerging Markets Decoded 2024

Zhuravlev A., Shuranova A., Vasenyova E. et al.

M.: SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management, 2024.

Book chapter
The Development of Assistive Technologies and Its Role Towards Successful Inclusion: The Case of Russia

Sinyavskaya O., Pishnyak A., Cherviakova A. A. et al.

In bk.: Inclusive education in the Russian Federation: Scoping International and Local Relevance. Springer, 2024. P. 139-167.

Working paper
What helps improve outcomes of industrial policy?

Yakovlev A. A., Freinkman L., Ershova N. V. et al.

QoG Working Paper Series. 2023:19. University of Gothenburg, 2023. No. 19.

Regional mechanism of banking regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union: Perspectives

Eduard Dzhagityan, Associate Professor of the School of World Economy, published an article titled: ‘Regionalization of banking regulation as a driving force of the Eurasian financial stability mechanism’ (Journal of Money and Credit (Den’gi i Kredit), No.7, 2017).

The processes of Eurasian regional consolidation and the development of the regional economic mechanism and cooperation imply the mainstreaming of the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) member state banks in the integration processes. However, strengthening their integration potential as a factor of financial stability will largely depend on consistency and soundness of the regional model of banking regulation within the ‘mini-Basel III’ concept based on the Basel principles of effective banking supervision along with Basel III prudential standards. Heterogeneity of national regulatory regimes, protectionism-centered regulatory policies, and lack of authority to be duly empowered to coordinate the process of regulatory regionalization do inhibit the development of the Eurasian regulatory mechanism. Dr Dzhagityan concludes that alignment of the national banking regulation mechanisms in the framework of Basel III sweeping regulatory overhaul is the only approach to minimization of systemic risks and ensuring financial stability in the EAEU during the observable time horizon. The author also proposes actions and steps that will optimize the alignment of the EAEU national regulatory regimes.